April 28, 2016

Ipoh Campus

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Welcome To Ipoh Campus

The Ipoh campus is in a strategic location just off the North South Highway. Ipoh campus is open to students aged 4-17 years.

Fairview International School looks beyond students' intellectual development by nurturing their physical, social and emotional well-being. Currently , Fairview International School Ipoh is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme and pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision.

Fairview Ipoh also belongs to the Fairview network, which has four IB World Schools strategically located across Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru, and is honoured to have all 10 programmes across all four schools authorised by the IB Organisation (IBO). Fairview International School Ipoh is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme and pursuing authorization as an IB World School.

The community of learners across all Fairview schools originate from over 55 countries worldwide and help to promote open-mindedness, understanding, respect and appreciation of the rich heritage, cultures and traditions found throughout all campuses.

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A visionary leader of education for a better world, Fairview uses the best teaching practices from around the world. All campuses are designed with inquiry driven, concept based approaches to teaching and learning in mind, wireless, digitally advanced and up to date with the latest in educational technology. All Fairview institutes are English medium, co-educational day schools set within extensively purpose built grounds. The Ipoh campus can facilitate over 600 students however each classes contains approximately 24 pupils with a ratio of 1 teacher to 10 students so as to permit student-centred, active learning.

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Ms. Natalya Krassilnikova (Head of School, Ipoh)

A complete grown personality has to have a balance of physical, emotional, social and spiritual. The new generation of children exhibit skills and talents of unparalleled genius. The future belongs to those who are Knowledgeable, Inquirers, Thinkers, Principled, Communicators, Open minded, Caring, Courageous and Reflective.

Guided by these virtues, we run our programmes, keeping in mind the potential of child and a way to identify the inherent potential of child and then to nurture it. A child centric place, Fairview Ipoh offers a spectrum of activities leading to multiple experiences and enrichment of students’.

The spacious, airy and naturally lighted classrooms in serene surroundings, led by experienced faculties form the core team of the academic programme. The best pedagogical practices along with excellent technology support and infrastructure makes it convenient for children to learn.

The facilities coupled with IB methodology help us to instill the values in our children, where children are most open and receptive to grasp subtle values in a relaxed and enjoying environment. The best skills for cognition, effective communication, negotiation, computing, stress management and clarity of thoughts under pressure are learnt, which is an indispensable part of any profession today and in the future. We are committed to build a lifelong relationship, a happy confident young individual and a better human being to make this world a better place to live.

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The Primary Years Programme

At Fairview Ipoh, the PYP is guided by homeroom as well as our Mandarin, Malay, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Information Technology, Music and Dance specialist teachers. PYP educators at Fairview Ipoh promote lifelong learning by encouraging students to be curious and ask questions, knowing that this will develop their capacity to think creatively. We teach students awareness of different ways of thinking and help them to understand the benefits of logical, divergent and creative thinking. We highly encourage reflection upon their thinking and lead them towards an understanding of their own abilities to learn. We motivate them to learn and to understand how learning works best for them as an individual and encourage the development of positive attitudes towards people and environment

What is the Primary Years Programme?

The PYP represents a combination of research and experience which includes excellent practices derived from a variety of national system and independent schools from around the world. It is an international transdisciplinary programme specifically designed for young learners between the ages of 3 and 12 years. The PYP focuses on the total growth of developing a child, touching hearts as well as minds and encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare. A PYP school strives towards developing an internationally minded person who demonstrates the attributes of the Learner Profile. PYP in Fairview Ipoh is no exception!

Fairview International School Ipoh is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme and pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision.

*Only schools authorized by the International Baccalaureate can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org

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Celebration of Learning

An important custom within the Fairview International School community, the Ipoh campus conducts their Primary Years Programme's Celebration of Learning every six weeks upon the completion of one unit of inquiry. Parents were guided to their child’s homeroom where students elaborated on their journey of learning in- and out of the classroom. This event is the perfect opportunity for our 21st century learners to reflect on and demonstrate their knowledge.

Through Celebration of Learning (COL) which is a students-led conference, students showcase their work not just through portfolios, but through presentations, board displays and performances – giving them a chance to exhibit their achievements in creative ways.

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Some Activities are :

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Assembly time is an excellent platform for our PYP students to demonstrate the IB Learner Profile. Students share their knowledge (Knowledgeable) and develop their presentation skills (Communicators) . Presentations can be done informally with a teacher or senior students standing by to give support and guidance (Caring). Students can build up their courage (Courageous) by standing in front of the assembly which consists of the whole school population and speak out with a mic. During the presentations, students are allowed to use multiple forms of supporting materials such as power point slides, music, posters and actual artefacts (Inquirers and Thinkers). After the presentations, students will sit together with the teacher to reflect and discuss on how to improve on their next presentations (Reflective and Principled).

These experiences are priceless for our PYP students as they look forward to each morning’s assembly. Besides sharpening the public speaking skills among the presenters, our PYP students also anticipate to learn more about the interesting topics presented by their school friends (Open-Minded and Balanced).

Here are some of the interesting topics presented recently:

  • Application of Tangent by secondary students.
  • What makes “My Family” by Grade 3.
  • Steps to Recycling by Grade 6.
  • Dog and Cat “A Story on Fractions” by Grade 3.
  • Fashion in the Elizabethan Era by secondary students.
  • Conversion of Energy by Grade 5.
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Some Activities are :

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PYP Brain Food

The concept of mindfulness has become a global phenomenon and it has particularly profound possibilities for education. Mindfulness encourages a growth mindset, and research shows that it creates better students. Mindfulness is important for promoting attention and focus. In line with this, Fairview Ipoh offers brain gym and brain food.

When the clocks struck twelve in the afternoon on school days, the Fairview Ipoh’s primary students will be enjoying their brain food snack!

During this five minutes break, students are advised to consume food that feeds their brains which includes seeds, fruits, berries, nuts and some went as far as bringing yogurt and dark chocolate. This is one of the many best practices in our campus to ensure all students are well nourished especially after a whole morning of study, group activity and brainstorming. Besides helping students to concentrate better in the afternoon, brain food are able to boost their memory power while promoting good brain health.

Parents commented they have never seen their kids eat these much of fruits at home. Well, we say our students know what is good for them. What they need is just a little motivation!

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The Brain Gym programme is a work out once in the early morning and once more after their morning break time. The objective of this programme is to promote effective learning in class through activating their mental potential. This can be achieved with specific movement exercises that promotes the efficient communication between the many nerve cells and functional centres located throughout the brain's sensory motor system.

Through Brain Gym, students may be able to

  • Learn anything faster and with less hesitation.
  • Be more organised and focused.
  • Overcome learning difficulties.
  • Reach a higher level of excellence.
  • Start and complete any projects with ease.

The Brain Gym programme is a whole school exercise and students practise the exercises with their teacher in their respective class. From students' feedback, they find themselves more energised and ready to learn compared to before.

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Some Activities are :

Stretch out your arms and get ready to jump

Now, right hand or left hand… use your brain

It may look simple but the coordination is challenging

Reach for the sky!

Twist your arms gently

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[su_tabs] [su_tab title="Middle School Programme"]

The Middle School Programme

The Middle School Programme is a 5 year programme preparing students to face challenges fully equipped with not just knowledge but skills to face the uncertain future.

Thus, instead of memorising chunks of knowledge from textbooks, students are armed with skills to decipher the content, select what is relevant and use them effectively. Research skills, critical and analytical skills, thinking skills and the multi-faceted approach to learning come to the fore.

Small sized classes allow for meaningful and effective support and teacher s become facilitators allowing students to take responsibility for their own learning through working with our students to build on their strength and to develop areas which require improvement. Learning takes on a variety of forms and a walk by the classrooms opens up to students working collaboratively on projects, power point presentations, role plays, peering through microscopes or picking up life skills of survival. Bi annual expeditions take learning out of the classrooms into another dimension as they plough through waist high muddy waters, or conquer the Great Wall in tests of endurance. Onsite tasks and assessments add to the academic rigour.

Without doubt, the learning journey at Fairview builds confidence and character - important elements in our programme apart from honing leadership qualities.

Community, service and action are part and parcel of the learning process where students play an active part throughout the year. From recycling activities to service to the poor and less fortunate, our students initiate programmes for this cause. Parents volunteer for various activities and are the prime contributors working together with the school to make the learning journey of our students meaningful and rich.

The Subjects :

  1. Language and Literature
  2. Second language: Bahasa Malay and Mandarin
  3. Individuals & Societies (Geography and World History)
  4. Sciences
  5. Mathematics
  6. Arts: Visual Arts and Performing Arts
  7. Physical Education
  8. Design
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Co-curricular Activities (CCA) are to allow students explore their interest in skills other than academic. In Ipoh Campus, we value the close interaction between the younger children and matured teenagers. Hence, all CCA clubs in Fairview Ipoh consist of PYP and Middle School students. Students grab this opportunity build their caring personality and open-mindedness as they get a chance to learn something new with friends of different age group. This also helps them in developing learner attitudes such as respect and cooperation.

Ukelele Club

The ukulele is a versatile musical instrument. Due to its portability, students can easily carry the instrument and perform anywhere. The usage of both hands and plucking of strings help to build coordinated motor skills. Music is well known to foster social cohesion, cooperation and support pro-social orientation. Through learning ukulele, students acquire the skill to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses while building the confidence to perform in public. Equipped with basic knowledge and with good application of musical skills, students will grow to appreciate music in its various forms.


Taekwondo has developed over the last few decades from being one of the oldest form of martial arts to being one of the events listed under the Olympic games. Today, Tae (foot)- Kwon (hand)- Do (art) has a structured flow of progression and could be considered as the martial art with the most regulated certification system. This club aims to develop appreciation for taekwondo as a sport and as an art, to achieve physical fitness through positive participation and improve mental discipline and composure of the students. Besides soft skills, students will also qualify for state tournaments and multiple grading assessments which add to a Fairview student’s long list of achievements.


Zumba is a dance fitness programme which incorporates dance and aerobic elements. It is an upbeat and fun activity while improving coordination and boosting a child’s confidence. This club aims to develop physical well-being of students by learning the Zumba basic steps and to promote team work and positive relationship among students.


Who wants to be the next Dato’ Lee Chong Wei? Badminton Club was established in Fairview Ipoh this year to promote cardio exercise and improve the blood flow while strengthening the heart. Badminton involves active swinging and movements which help to train the mobility of the students as well as strengthening their muscles. In addition to all these benefits, playing badminton also helps in developing respect and teamwork.

Debate Club

Debate helps to train critical thinking skills, persuasive speaking skills, analytical thinking and in-depth research skills. It is not about winning the arguments but more importantly, to equip a student on essential life skills. Debating also helps to form a close social community, making new friends from other grades while acquiring knowledge. Everyone we meet has something to valuable to teach us. Let’s listen, learn and grow.

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IPOH FIS Student Council

Student Council is a student-based civic organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students. Student Council is the heart of students’ involvement and becoming aware of student needs and opinions.

Objectives :

  • To emulate the IB Learner Profile, Attitudes and Global Citizenship.
  • Promote good leadership qualities among students.
  • Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be.
  • Promote school spirit.
  • Give all students practice in democracy in action
  • Provide service to groups in our school and community.
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Cheeky Cheeky Tots
How materials are used to make ceramic pots
Mural on the Walls
Ceramics Factory
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Fairview Ipoh is proud to be a registered Eco-School. Eco-Schools is an international initiative dedicated towards advocating environmental and sustainability education among students in a whole-school approach. The process from registration to being awarded will include many learning and action activities which promises our students a holistic and participatory approach to improving the environment in the school as well as the local community.

Currently, the programme is being implemented in over 50 countries around the world. In Malaysia, over 169 schools are registered with only a handful of them being from Perak state. Its adoption in Ipoh will offer a new wave of education efforts aimed at promoting sustainable development.

Watch out for many exciting awareness campaigns and educational activities in Fairview Ipoh!

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[su_tabs] [su_tab title="UPSR Scholarship"]

Download the Scholarship Form

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News and Events Fairview Schools

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