We learned a lot in Wushu Club. We learned how to do warm up properly and Wushu sequences from our coach. Our coach is kind and friendly. By learning Wushu, we can protect others and ourselves. In Wushu Club, we also learned many good attitudes. We learned to be confident, respectful and cooperative. In every learning session, we practice hand work and foot work. It is fun to learn Wushu. However, there are only six members currently. I wish more students will join our Wushu Club next year.
– Araki Miyabi (Grade 5 Yellow)
About Us :-
Total members: 6
President: Lim Le Chuan (Grade 11)
Vice President: Jeremy Liew Kai Lun (Grade 5 Green)
Editorial Board Members: Araki Miyabi (Grade 5 Yellow)
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Yeong Li Lian
Coach: Mr. Koay Keng Chun