Exploring Concepts and International Mindedness Through Expeditions

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At the International Baccalaureate Conference of the Asia Pacific Region(IBAP) held in Hyderabad, India from the 17th to 19th March 2016, Mr Michael (Principal Fairview Subang) and Ms Tee ( Deputy Principal Middle School KL) conducted a workshop on, ‘Exploring concepts and International mindedness Through Expeditions’.

There was a keen interest among participants who experienced in an hour a brief of what the middle school students from our 5 campuses go through twice a year. Participants were asked to identify concepts and show their understanding of what international mindedness means to them. There were many requests for collaboration and suggestions for improvement for the future.

All in all, everyone was impressed with the session and the complexity of organization that involved 1500 students and almost 100 over teachers to 10 different overseas locations.