February 11, 2016

Mid-Autumn Festival

Fairview International School Ipoh had a great Mid-autumn Festival celebration on 12th September 2014.This was a whole school event and all students participated and performed during the celebration. Parents and their friends as well as relatives were invited to join the wonderful event. They spent a great time by watching the performance of students from crèche to Grade 5.

The Grade 5 students Moses and Sarah are the MC’s of the event. They welcomed all the parents and guests. A welcome speech is given by Ms Nava, the principal of KL campus. She acknowledged the parents for the support

The show started with the performance of Grade 4 and 5 students. They performed a skeleton dance which is related to their unit of inquiry on human body systems.

The show continued by the youngest and energetic crèche and reception students with their “Traffic Light Song” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. Grade 1 students expressed their various feelings by singing the “Feeling Song”. A gymnastic performance and choral speaking are done by Grade 2 students which are related to one of the learner profile attributes “Open-Minded”. Grade 4 and 5 students, Moses and Isabel also presented a story behind this meaningful festival. The event is concluded with a meaningful finale song “The Moon Is Round”. Parents, students and teachers together with all the staff had a memorable and enjoyable night.