February 18, 2016

Guest speaker on Human Migration – Mr. Chiba

Mr Chiba, parent of G4 student (Chiba Sohgo) was invited as the guest speaker to talk about his experiences migrating from Japan to Malaysia with our G5 students. Mr Chiba arrived at school promptly and the talk was held in the Music room at Level 2, on a sunny Thursday 21st August 2014 (Week 3). The talk started at 10:45am during the UOI periods and lasted for one hour.

The G5 students are exploring the the unit “Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities”. The objective of this talk is to expose the students to the push and pull factors of human migration, and identifying its consequences. Mr Chiba was very supportive and he prepared slideshow presentation for the students to better understand the unit. During the session, the students were listening attentively and took down notes in their interview worksheet. After the presentation, students asked relevant questions during the Q&A session.